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Abdul Rasheed Jokhio

Abdul Rasheed Jokhio

Non-Executive Director

Qualification Masters in Energy, Environmental Management & Economics
Designation Director General Gas, Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division)
Date of Joining 15/12/2020
Committee Member HR&R and Technical Committees

Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio joined MariEnergies Board on December 15, 2020 representing Government of Pakistan. He is a non-executive director and Member of HR&R and Technical Committees.

Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio is currently serving as Director Gas in the Directorate General of Gas, Petroleum Division, Ministry of Energy. He holds Master’s degree in Energy, Environmental Management and Economics from ENI Corporate University, Italy, and Bachelor of Engineering in Petroleum & Natural Gas from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh.

He had joined erstwhile Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (now Petroleum Division, Ministry of Energy) in 2006. Since then, he has been involved in the policy and regulatory matters of mid and down-stream sectors of natural gas and RLNG. He oversees matters such as allocation of gas/RLNG to the Government designated buyers and third parties including power and fertilizer sectors, tariff for RLNG and natural gas for retail consumers, review and execution of Gas Sales Agreements and Gas Pricing Agreements, Gas Development Schemes, Gas Development Infrastructure Cess and Gas Development Surcharge.

He has attended a number of courses in Pakistan and abroad on Drilling Economics, Contracts Negotiation, Upstream Regulation, Gas Pipeline & LNG Imports Projects etc.

He is a professional member of Pakistan Engineering Council and also a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.