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Abid Niaz Hasan

Abid Niaz Hasan

Independent Non-Executive Director

Qualification MBA (International Finance and Economics),
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
Designation Former Operations Advisor World Bank Group, Washington
Date of Joining 24/06/2022
Committee Chairman Audit Committee and Member ESG Committee

Mr. Abid Niaz Hasan joined MariEnergies Board on June 24 2022, representing shareholding interest of General Public (Minority Shareholders). He is Independent, Non-Executive director and Chairman of Audit and ESG Committees and Member of HR&R Committee.

He possesses over 30 years of experience as a development banker and served in the World Bank Group from 1975 till 2006. He served as the Operations Advisor, Pakistan Program (1997-2006), Principal Financial Sector Specialist (South Asia Region), (1992-97), Chief of Industry and Energy Unit, Bangladesh (1988-92) and Senior Financial Analyst (East Asia Region) (1975-88).

During his association with the WBG, he was responsible for relationship management with cabinet and senior policy makers, multilateral and bilateral agencies, banks, private investors, and media, overseeing implementation of World Bank programs for macroeconomic, sectoral reforms covering energy, banking, private, development, water resources, agriculture, Infrastructure, SOEs, and social sectors.

After retirement from the WBG, he held a number of positions including: Member of the Government of Pakistan’s Economic Advisory Committee (2010-2018), Member of the Boards and Chairman of the Board’s Audit Committees in Pakistan Tobacco Company (2007-2016), Khushali Bank (2007-2009), and Wateen Telecommunications (2012-2017).

Currently, he is a Member of the Board of Governors of two NGOs: Hunar Foundation and Chal Foundation.