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Hydrocarbon Discovery – Exploratory Well Dharian-l ST-3

Hydrocarbon Discovery – Exploratory Well Dharian-l ST-3

Mari Energies Limited has made a hydrocarbon discovery at exploratory well Dharian-l ST-3, near Gujar Khan in Rawalpindi District of the Punjab Province. It is 2nd consecutive discovery in Ghauri Block.

The well was spud-in on December 21, 2017 and successfully drilled down to the depth of 4,770 m with the objective to test the hydrocarbon potential of Sakessar and Khewra formations as primary targets. The Drill Stem Tests carried out in Khewra Formation flowed @ 372 Barrels Per Day of Oil with 304 Barrels of Water per Day on 64/64″ choke size having API gravity of 29° and Well Head Flowing Pressure (WHFP) 10-25 Pounds per square inch (Psi). The Ghauri JV is planning to undertake expeditious evaluation of the Dharian-1 ST-3 discovery by putting it on test production.

It is important to mention that first ever discovery in Ghauri Block was made at exploratory well Ghauri X-I in 2014, which is currently on production. MariEnergies intends to drill 3rd exploratory well namely Miraj-l as part of its continuous efforts for tapping indigenous hydrocarbon resources.

The aforementioned discovery has strengthened the MariEnergies exploration success record and the Company is geared up to contribute further towards the national economy. MariEnergies will continue to boost its potential to find additional hydrocarbons in the Country, so that the ever increasing energy requirements can be met through local resources.

MariEnergies is the Operator of Ghauri Exploration License having 65% working interest share with PPL as 35% interest holder.