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MariEnergies celebrates world nature conservation day

MariEnergies celebrates world nature conservation day

In commemoration of the World Nature Conservation Day, Mari Energies Limited , one of Pakistan’s largest exploration and production companies, initiates plantation of 100,000 tree saplings in Surghar Range in Pakistan.

Inspired by the Prime Minister 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Project and Clean and Green Pakistan Campaign, MariEnergies hopes to play its part in conserving the trees and plants from the natural environment of the earth and to celebrate the World Nature Conservation Day. The plantation of the tree saplings in the Surghar Fields is all set to complete in August 2021.

This is in line with Mari Energies CSR initiatives where the company is aggressively engaged in tree plantation drives in and around its areas of operations.

Indeed, MariEnergies is operating in the most challenging and arid terrains in Baluchistan and Sindh, where environment conservation is of para-mount importance.

Previously MariEnergies carried out Tree Plantation and beautification project at the iconic Faisal Mosque Islamabad which was implemented by environmental experts, familiar with the flora of the area.