MariEnergies has made a landmark gas discovery at Mari Ghazij-1 exploration well, drilled in Mari Development & Production Lease (Mari D&PL) area, located in Sindh Province. MariEnergies is the Operator of Mari D&PL with 100% working interest.
The well was spudded-in on November 24, 2022 and successfully drilled down to the depth of 1,015 meters. The gas flow rate established through Drill Stem Test is 5.1 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMSCFD) with Wellhead Flowing Pressure (WHFP) of 232 Pounds Per Square Inch (Psi) at 64/64 inch choke size.
This was the first dedicated exploratory well targeting multiple Ghazij Limestone units. The concept emerged from Iqbal-1 well wherein a thin limestone unit in Ghazij Formation was found to make minor contribution of ~0.5 MMSCFD to the flow. Based on that, the Limestone units within Ghazij Formation were thoroughly studied in the entire Mari D&PL area to ascertain their reservoir potential and deliverability in the play sweet spot that has been successfully proven through Mari Ghazij-1 discovery.
The Company has plans to carefully appraise this discovery to prove its extent and, in parallel, evaluate its development options.
With around 23% gas market share, MariEnergies is contributing towards mitigating the declining gas production in the Country, through a combination of maximizing production from current fields and discovering new resources via aggressive exploration strategy, targeting high grade prospects within the Company’s portfolio.
Mr. Faheem Haider, MD/CEO MariEnergies has commended the hard work and ingenuity of MariEnergies technical and support teams who worked on this project of national importance and made it a success.