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MariEnergies Wins Top 25 Companies PSX Award for the Year 2019

MariEnergies Wins Top 25 Companies PSX Award for the Year 2019

MariEnergies has been included in the Top 25 Companies on Pakistan Stock Exchange for the Year 2019.

The Top 25 Companies Award is one of Pakistan’s premier corporate recognition awards, first introduced by the Exchange (then KSE) in 1978 with the aim to sift the best from the rest.

The criteria for the year 2019 included (i) Capital Efficiency (ii) Profitability (iii) Free-Float of Shares (iv) Transparency (v) Corporate Governance & Investors Relation, and (vi) Compliance with Listing and Securities Regulations.

On the basis of the scores obtained in each segment, MariEnergies has been placed at No. 11 among 555 companies currently listed on PSX.

The Award is a recognition of the Company’s outstanding financial performance, excellent governance practices and unrivaled Management Team.

It is worth mentioning that MariEnergies was first included in the Top 25 Companies on PSX in 2017 and was placed at 16th Position, which has been further improved this year.

The Management is committed to continue with its best efforts in every sphere of the Company operations to maintain the distinction of being the best in our league.