UAN: (051) 111 410 410

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At MariEnergies, we employ innovation and excellence to enhance growth and realize human potential. We nurture our employees’ development with well-thought processes and policies, benchmarked with the best industrial practices, keeping employee wellbeing at the core of our philosophy. We provide a high-performance culture for our people through challenging and competitive work environment. We enable our people to accomplish and overcome the challenges of the job and contribute positively towards personal and organizational growth.

Safe Working Environment

Our culture is an emblem of a safe working environment for our workforce. We work every day with a critical goal – the safety of our people, the protection of the environment in which we operate, and the communities where we work. We strive for zero occupational injuries or accidents as a part of our safety targets every year in our workplaces and communities. MariEnergies is committed to the long-standing ecological and environmental promise of social wellbeing, ensuring responsibility and sustainability for its people, environment, and communities.

Open Communication

MariEnergies believes in sustainably creating value together. We preach open communication as the key to overcoming challenges together and moving towards growth. Our human capital integrates with ingenuity, care, and respect in a moral and professional setting. A culture invested in strong and open communication represents a mutual employee value creation that moves the company forward.

Work-Life Balance

We at MariEnergies, understand our culture and the role that family plays in uplifting one’s psychological wellbeing. Spending quality time with family helps rejuvenate the individual to take on challenges at workplace. The paradigm of our work environment at MariEnergies is designed to recognize and reward all workers who contribute to our success. MariEnergies signifies the importance of the employee’s work-life balance, sketching policies that ensure that our people go home peacefully at the end of the day and spend time with their families amid the industry’s technical challenges. Our continued commitment to support employees’ lives beyond the office ensures a healthy and peaceful work environment.